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Tangled Up In You - Print Books

Tangled Up In You - Print Books

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"Barbara Freethy is one of my favorite authors! She creates amazing characters and stories, with a lot of love, friendship and mystery that make her books always very, very good." Cinthia - Goodreads

Molly Trent is an adventurous, free spirit whose turbulent childhood has driven her to a new mission in life—to make people feel better. Unfortunately, a series of burglaries at her new wellness shop puts her in the path of a cynical and suspicious detective, who thinks she does more harm than good. She's used to criticism, but she sees something in the tightly-controlled police detective that she wants to unleash, if only she could get him to trust her.

Trust doesn't come easily to Detective Adam Cole. He has been a loner for as long as he can remember. He's very good at protecting people. He's great at being a friend, but relationships that go beyond that—not so much. After a heartbreaking tragedy in his early twenties, he put up walls that are never coming down. Despite what Molly Trent might think, he does not need help or herbs to be happy.

Unfortunately, what he needs is her. The chemistry between them almost makes him wonder if she hasn't cast some sort of spell over him. But he fights their attraction hard, because he doesn't do forever, and he can't imagine that an optimistic romantic like Molly would settle for anything less. But when they get tangled up in life and love, anything can happen…

What the readers are saying...

"Loved it. Another interesting, charming and delightful romance from Barbara Freethy!" Barbara T – Goodreads

"A wonderful story that you won’t be able to put down. Molly and Adam are polar opposites in how they approach life. But together they learn to overcome the past to discover how courage and love can forge a path to happiness. Love this story and I can’t wait to visit Whisper Lake again!" Karen W – Goodreads 

"Barbara Freethy has written another amazing story full of wonderful characters, a hint of mystery, and lots of romance. Once you start this story you won't be able to put it down!" Mindy – Goodreads

"I thoroughly enjoyed Tangled Up In You. I recommend it and all the books in the Whisper Lake series. Ms. Freethy never fails to deliver amazing romantic suspense stories that engage the reader from the beginning to the last page." Norma J – Goodreads


"Everything is great." Molly Trent gripped the phone tightly in her hand as her gaze swept the cluttered mess of boxes crowding the back room of the health and wellness store she'd recently inherited. "It's perfect."

"You're lying. You're doing that thing you do," Layla Warren said. 

"What thing?"

"Pretending everything is okay when it's not. Looking for the rainbow in the middle of the storm." 

"Okay, it's not perfect. But I'm good at starting over. It's what I do. I was getting itchy feet anyway. Change is good for me. I'll make this work." Despite her words, she felt a bit overwhelmed by the task in front of her. "I just wish Phoebe was here, and that I was working with her, the way I used to. I should have realized that her unexpected call a few months ago might have had a more significant reason behind it. Clearly, she had health issues."

"She obviously didn't want you to know, or she would have told you."

"Maybe, but I should have visited her after that call. I just figured there would be time for us to reconnect." 

Unfortunately, that time had ended eight days ago when Phoebe had had a heart attack in the middle of her store. She was dead before they got her to the hospital. The next day, Molly had heard from Phoebe's lawyer, who'd told her that Phoebe had left the building to her, which included the wellness store, the yoga studio, and the apartment upstairs. She'd been completely blown away by the inheritance. She'd only been part of Phoebe's life for a couple of years, a long time ago. But Phoebe had never married or had children, and, apparently, she'd decided that Molly was the only one who could take over her business. 

"Did you tell your mom you were leaving San Francisco?" Layla asked.

"Yes. She was disappointed to hear I was returning to Whisper Lake. She doesn't believe in revisiting the past. She's a big believer in moving forward and never looking back."

"How do you feel about being in Whisper Lake again?"

"Too soon to know. I just got here last night. But this store was a refuge for me when I was sixteen. Phoebe's passion for natural healing was the reason behind my studies and my career, as unimpressive as that has been so far," she said dryly. 

She'd been dabbling in various parts of the health and wellness industry for the past six years, never sure where she fit in, and most of her jobs had been easy to leave. In fact, she'd been about to quit her most recent job at a skin care center when she'd gotten the call from Phoebe's lawyer. 

"I want to carry on Phoebe's legacy and make the store even better if I can," she continued. "Phoebe was proud of the way she could help people, whether it was with natural healing sleep aids, stress-reducing lotions, aromatherapy candles, herbs, yoga, meditation, or a combination of all the above. I wish the store hadn't come with Phoebe's death, but I have to admit I'm excited about the challenge." 

"I'm glad," Layla said. "I just hope this doesn't mean you won't come back to San Francisco."

"We'll see. You know I don't like to plan. How are you doing with your beautiful babies? I'm surprised you even have time for this call."

"Both sets of parents have come to help with the twins. They are having a blast, and I'm taking a break."

"Good for you. I should get going. Kiss your babies for me."

"I will. Don't work too hard, Molly." 

She'd no sooner ended the call when a jolting crash reverberated through the building. She rushed into the showroom, seeing one of the heavy displays on its side, the front door wide open. She ran through the door, wondering who had knocked over the rack and fled. 

As she hit the sidewalk, she barreled straight into a man—a man on crutches. 

The force of her body sent them both to the ground in a tangled mess of arms, legs, and crutches. 

"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry," she said. "I didn't see you."

"Clearly. Do you want to let me up?"

She suddenly realized she was lying on top of an incredibly attractive man. He had dark-brown, wavy hair, a strong jaw, and dazzling blue eyes, the same deep blue as the lake. He wore a cream-colored knit shirt and faded jeans. 

She cleared her throat, realizing she was staring at him for far too long. Then she flushed, becoming aware that he was staring back at her. Time seemed to stand still for a few long seconds. Then she pulled her arm out from under a crutch and forced herself to get to her feet. 

"I am sorry." She extended her hand to help him up. 

"You said that." An annoyed grimace ran across his face as he ignored her hand and got up, putting his weight on his right foot, his left foot encased in a walking boot. 

She grabbed his crutches and handed them to him. "I hope I didn't injure you." 

"I'm fine. You should watch where you're going." 

"I know, but I think someone stole something from my store. There was a crash, and the door was open. I ran outside to see who it was and knocked you over." 

He frowned at her words. "You're saying there was a shoplifter?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure. One display was knocked over. Did you see anyone run out of the store?"

"No. I just came around the corner and collided with you." His gaze narrowed. "Did you say this was your store? You're the new owner?"

"Yes. I inherited the store from Phoebe Haller. I'm Molly—Molly Trent. You are?"

"Adam Cole. Detective Cole," he added. 

"Oh. You're a police officer?" 

"Temporarily on leave." He tipped his head toward his injured foot. "Do you know what was stolen?" 

"Honestly, I have no idea. The store is packed, and I'm not even a tenth of the way through the inventory. I just arrived last night." She paused. "Maybe the person didn't steal anything. They might have just knocked over the display and ran so they wouldn't be charged for the broken items." 

"Seems possible," he murmured, but his frown made her nervous.

"What are you thinking?" she challenged. 

"There was an attempted break-in here a couple of days ago. The alarm went off, but no one was caught."

"Really?" she asked in dismay. "I didn't know that. Although Phoebe's lawyer gave me a new set of keys and said the locks had been reinstalled. I guess that was the reason."

"The store doesn't have a working security camera. You should replace that as soon as possible." 

"I will." She paused. "Is your foot broken?"

"Hairline fracture and a twisted ankle. Apparently, I just need time to heal."

She had a feeling this wasn't a man who appreciated patience. "Massage can help stimulate healing circulation. I also have some lotions that can offer a similar effect." 

"Spoken like someone who manages a wellness store. I'm not a big believer in mystical lotions. I prefer evidence-based facts."

It wasn't the first time she'd heard that kind of skepticism. "Natural healing has plenty of evidence-based facts behind it. I'd be happy to share them with you."

Before he could reply, a woman came out of the shop next door, a high-end clothing boutique. Jackie Hunt was dressed in a sleek, red sheath dress, wearing her usual Botox-tight expression of unhappiness. Jackie was somewhere in her early fifties, and she'd already stopped by with pointed questions about whether she'd be selling CBD products and suggesting that she might want to sell the store to one of the other merchants on the street who was looking to expand. 

"What is going on out here?" Jackie asked. "Is there a problem, Detective Cole?" 

"There's no problem," Adam said. "Everything is fine."

"I don't think it is fine," Jackie said, with a sharp shake of her head. "Phoebe sold marijuana products, and that's why someone probably broke in last week. I'm worried about what kind of clientele this store will draw if this woman continues in the same vein."

"You don't need to worry," Molly said. "CBD products are legal, and they are used for medicinal purposes only."

Jackie crossed her arms, giving her a haughty look of irritation. "Of course you'd say that."

"It's the truth." 

"Why don't you show me that lotion you were talking about?" Adam said, tipping his head toward the door. 

For a moment, she stared at him in confusion. He'd just said he had no interest in her lotions. Then she realized he was offering her an escape. "Oh. All right." She opened the door and walked into the store, Adam following close behind. As the door shut behind him, she said, "You don't really want to see any lotion, do you?"

"No. But you didn't need to hear anything further from Mrs. Hunt."

"I really didn't." His actions surprised her. He'd made it clear he didn't believe in what she was selling, but he was nice enough to give her an escape from Jackie Hunt. 

"Is this what fell over?" Adam asked, eyeing the shelving display that was now laying on top of a table that had contained vitamin bottles and ointments, most of which were now scattered on the floor. 

"That's it. I'm not completely sure what was on it, except what we can see. There's a lot to organize."

"There certainly is." His gaze swept the room, noting the crowded shelves and the dozen boxes in the middle of the store. "You have your work cut out for you." He idly picked up a piece of glass from a nearby counter. "Do you really believe this piece of glass can work some sort of miracle?"

"Crystals are minerals that can interact with the body's energy field, creating balance and alignment. They can reduce stress and enhance focus. There's archaeological evidence that amber was used for protection as far back as ten thousand years ago," she replied.

"Sounds like a very long con," he said cynically. "People will buy anything, I guess." 

"Well, I don't con people out of money and neither did Phoebe. Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it false. When I get this store back in shape and running again, it will be great for the entire community. I owe Phoebe to keep her legacy alive." 

He gave her a speculative look. "You owe Phoebe? Who was she to you? I know she didn't have any relatives."

"She was like a grandmother to me. She gave me a place to work and a purpose in life when I was a teenager. She had my back. Now I have hers." 

Adam nodded, then suddenly started. He checked his watch. "Damn! I'm late. I have to go."

"If you change your mind about some natural healing options, they're on the house."

"If you can find them," he said dryly. He moved to the door, then paused. "Keep the lock on this door if you're not yet open for business."

"I didn't think anyone had to lock their doors in Whisper Lake."

"The town is much bigger than it used to be. Lock the door."

Irresistible romance, compelling characters, heartwarming emotion, mystery, and drama await in the Whisper Lake Series. Set in the Colorado mountains, this small-town romance series features some of your favorite storylines including runaway bride, second chance romance, enemies to lovers and more... Along with the romance, you'll find secrets and family drama, because I love to complicate a good love story and send my characters on a life-changing journey.

Each book can be read as a standalone novel. No cliffhangers.

Don't miss any of the books in the series:

  • Always With Me
  • My Wildest Dream 
  • Can't Fight The Moonlight
  • Just One Kiss
  • If We Never Met
  • Tangled Up In You
  • Next Time I Fall

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